Play an unlimited number of tailor-made crossword puzzles! This app contains a database of many thousands of straight and general knowledge clues and answers, so that it can generate unique crosswords based on your own interests, ability and device.
Play an unlimited number of crosswords!
This app contains a database of many thousands of: (a) normal clues (b) questions for general knowledge. It generates crosswords based on: your interests, your ability level and your device. Tailor made crosswords mean more fun for players, and produces more relevant games. Later you can progress to more challenging games, but always playing crosswords that are relevant to your interests.
You can configure for the generated crossword puzzle:
1) Raster veličina
Navedite točno koliko stupci i redovi za korištenje (3 - 20). Čak nisu četvornih rešetke (npr. 10x13) su moguće.
2) Clue Difficulty
Difficulty of the clues (straight and general knowledge) can be configured from easy to very difficult!
3) Type of Crossword
Choose to play with normal clues only; or with a mix of normal and general knowledge clues. Crosswords with only general knowledge clues are also possible.
4) Clue Genre
Tailor the crossword to your interests! Choose to have clues from particularly genres, e.g. Music, Entertainment, History, Politics, Nature etc.
5) Country Bias
The app adapts the general knowledge questions, according to where you live
You can configure for the display:
1) Zaslon izgleda
Odaberite koliko prostora na zaslonu za mrežu i koliko za popis riječi, koristite našu jedinstvenu pokretnu traku podjele.
2) Orijentacija
Može se igrati u portretnom ili pejzažnom načinu rada. Samo rotirati vaš uređaj i zaslon automatski podešava.
3) Clue and Keyboard font size
Configure the size of the words bigger or smaller, depending on your device and your eyesight!
Useful game aids mean you can always finish the crossword:
1) Built-in crossword matcher
The game can show you potential answers for an uncompleted word in the grid. The game uses the length of the word and the letters that you have already entered and displays the matching words, by using a built-in dictionary of 65,000 words. This aid even works for the general knowledge clues! Also includes the ability to look up word definitions or details on a fact or person.
2) Validate
Confirm if a given answer is correct
3) Reveal Word or Letter
If you can make no further progress, choose to reveal a letter or the whole word to a clue of your choosing
4) Anagrams
At very easy level, an anagram of the answer is shown as part of the clue, to provide further help. With this aid it should be possible to complete most crossword puzzles.
5) Show Wrong
When the grid is completed, the app will show all wrong answers, to allow you to correct and complete the game
Svaka igra je dodijeljen stupanj težine od 0 (lako) do 9 (vrlo teško).Stupanj težine je određen postavkama. Svaki stupanj težine održava visoke rezultate (mjereno najbrže vrijeme da završi igru).Igra pokazuje najbolje rezultate 20 za svaku razinu težine.
Please note that this is a new app. If you see something about the clues you do not like, please send us feedback rather than give a poor rating. We greatly value your comments and will address all issues you send to us.